The Journal of Law & Medicine - Vol 27 No 1 is now available via the WestLaw platform.
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JLM Vol 27 No 1 Contents:
- Editorial - The Complementary Medicine Insurance Wars: The Unresolved but Politicised Australian Theatre of Combat - Ian Freckelton QC
- Legal Issues - Doctors, Defamation and Damages: Medical Practitioners Fighting Back - Ian Freckelton QC and Tina Popa
- Medical Issues - Post-sentence Detention and Supervision: The Role of Multi-agency Panels - Bernadette McSherry, Rajan Darjee and Danny Sullivan
- BIOETHICAL ISSUES - Responsible Use of Machine Learning Classifiers in Clinical Practice - Abhishek Mishra
- COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH ISSUES - Guidance on Prescription of Homeopathic Treatments: Ramifications of a Failed Administrative Law Challenge - Editor: Ian Freckelton QC
- Medical Law Reporter - Concussion, Defamation and the Ringside Doctor - Guest Editor: Ian Freckelton QC
- Medicare Billing, Law and Practice: Complex, Incomprehensible and Beginning to Unravel – Margaret Faux, Jonathan Wardle and Jon Adams
- Untangling the Threads: Stakeholder Perspectives of the Legal and Ethical Issues Involved in Preparing Australian Consumers for Commercial Surrogacy Overseas - Lana Zannettino, Lauren Lines, Julian Grant and Sheryl L de Lacey
- Disclosure of Genetic Results to At-risk Relatives without Consent: Issues for Health Care Professionals in Australia – Rebekah McWhirter, Carolyn Johnston and Jo Burke
- Obesity and Taxation – Is Australia Ready? – Lidia Xynas
- In the Footsteps of Teiresias: Treatment for Gender Dysphoria in Children and the Role of the Courts – Mike O’Connor and Bill Madden
- A Doctor’s Discretion Not To Offer Life-sustaining Treatment – James Cameron
- Why Do I Have To Keep Waking Up? Terminal Sedation and the Law in Australia – Kieran Tapsell
- An Objective Approach to Decisions to Withdraw or Withhold Life-sustaining Medical Treatment – Julian Savulescu and James Cameron
- OBITUARY - Thomas (Tom) Douglas Campbell (1938-2019)
- Book Review - Unnatural Causes, by Richard Shepherd – Reviewed by Ian Freckelton QC