Application Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ #1: I have nearly achieved the Member or Fellow requirements, except for the College examination or another ACLM course requirement. What level of membership should I apply for?
All Member/Fellow applicants initially join the College as an Associate member. However, you have two options for how to apply:
Option One:
- Apply for Associate membership ($220 application fee)
- Complete all final requirements to reach Member or Fellowship, including ACLM courses and examination.
- Once Member/Fellow requirements appear to be complete, apply to upgrade to Member/Fellow ($110 application fee). This includes submitting the Fellowship application form. College Council will then assess whether you have fulfilled all requirements and advise of your application outcome.
Option Two:
- Apply for Membership/ Fellowship ($330 application fee). Your application will be assessed by College Council with a view to Member/Fellowship.
- You will most likely be offered to join as an Associate Member and informed which requirements are still needing to be completed to achieve Member/Fellowship, e.g. sit the Exam
- Once all final requirements are completed, Council will review your completion of Fellowship requirements and advise whether you are ready to be awarded Member/Fellowship.
The benefit of the second option, is that you can receive specific feedback from Council as to your future eligibility for Member/Fellowship. This is a good option if you are unsure whether your university qualifications or experience are enough to fill the criteria, or if you want to apply for an exemption.
For both options, please note that we expect you to have attended the relevant ACLM courses within 2 years of the date of your application for Fellowship. Make sure not to attend our courses and then leave many years between finally applying for Fellowship.
FAQ #2: What is the Exam and can I get exemption?
Please refer to our Members Area - ACLM Examination for more details. All persons wanting to attain Membership or Fellowship must complete the examination - no exemptions are given.
FAQ #3: Can I sit the Exam while I am not a member?
No. The College Examination is only offered to current Associate members who have completed all other requirements in working towards Member/Fellowship. If you feel you are ready to sit the Exam in your Fellowship journey, now is the time to join as an Associate member.
FAQ #4: I am not satisfied with my application outcome. What is the appeals process?
Please contact us if you are not satisfied with your application outcome. All applications will be assessed in accordance with the ACLM Memorandum and Articles of Association. We can provide guidance about how to reach our minimum requirements, or assist you with appealing the decision. The appeals process is outlined in the ACLM Memorandum and Articles of Association under section 10A. Appeals.
FAQ #5: I am a law student. Can I join as a Student member?
The category of Student membership is for medical or dental students who are also undertaking or planning to undertake studies in legal or forensic medicine. If you are a law student who has no medical qualification or current area of study, you are not eligible to be a Student member of ACLM. If you are a medical/dental professional who is currently studying law or forensics, then the Associate category of membership is applicable to you.
FAQ #6: What courses will give me a qualification in legal or forensic medicine which fulfill ACLM's requirements for Fellowship?
Fellows must hold a qualification in legal or forensic medicine which the Council considers appropriate, being at least a bachelor's degree or the equivalent in law, or a master's degree in medical law relevant to the practice of legal medicine, or a master's degree or equivalent relevant to the practice of forensic medicine.
- Any reputable Bachelor of Laws
- Legal Profession Admission Board - Diploma-in-Law
- The University of Melbourne - Master of Health & Medical Law
- The University of Sydney - Master of Health Law
- Monash University - Master of Forensic Medicine
- UNSW - Master of Forensic Mental Health (Psychiatrists)
Please feel free to contact us if you are intending to study a particular course and would like to know if it fulfills ACLM's Fellow requirements.
FAQ #7: What courses will give me a qualification in legal or forensic medicine which fulfill ACLM's requirements for Membership?
Members must hold a graduate qualification in the field of law which the Council considers appropriate, being at least a graduate diploma or equivalent relevant to legal medicine, or being at least a graduate diploma or equivalent relevant to forensic medicine (for example a diploma in medical jurisprudence).
- The University of Sydney - Graduate Diploma in Health Law
- The University of Melbourne - Graduate Diploma in Health and Medical Law
Please feel free to contact us if you are intending to study a particular course and would like to know if it fulfills ACLM's Member requirements.
FAQ #8: What ACLM courses or events satisfy the requirement for Medical / Dental Affiliate membership?
As outlined in ACLM's membership requirements, Medical/Dental Affiliate members must have "demonstrated their interest in furthering their understanding of legal medicine by having attended at least one of ACLM's short courses prior to application". ACLM short courses are listed here and include:
- Expert Report Writing
- Expert Witness Training
- Law Intensive 1 and 2
- Cause of Death Certificate Workshop (Qld)
In addition to these short courses, these events are also acceptable alternatives:
- Attendance at an ACLM Annual Scientific Meeting (including virtual attendance)
- Completion (or currently undertaking) the Bond University / ACLM Medical Negligence Microcredential
Attendance at a free ACLM webinar, or ACLM officially supported external event or webinar does not satisfy the criteria.