At the 2023 Annual General Meeting, a special resolution was passed which approved the creation of a new ACLM membership category:

Medical or Dental Affiliate member.

This new membership category is designed to allow medical and dental professionals who are not yet eligible for Associate membership to engage more fully with the ACLM community, with the aim that this will nurture their interest in legal medicine.

Eligibility Requirements

A person who:

1. is a registered medical practitioner or dentist with the appropriate licensing authority in Australia or New Zealand or, if from another jurisdiction, a Council approved licensing authority; and

2. is not eligible for Associate membership (due to not currently undertaking, or in the foreseeable future proposing to undertake, a graduate qualification relevant to legal or forensic medicine, and not currently practicing in a field of medicine or dentistry which the Council considers relevant to legal and/or forensic medicine); and

3.has demonstrated their interest in furthering their understanding of legal medicine by having attended at least one of ACLM's short courses prior to application

is eligible to apply for membership as a Medical or Dental Affiliate of the College.

A Medical or Dental Affiliate member is not entitled to claim his or her membership of the College as denoting specialist knowledge, skill and experience, nor may any abbreviations be used after his or her name to signify membership of the College.

Read the updated Memorandum & Articles of Association here (Article 8B).

Find out more and apply here.