I am pleased to report on the recent teaching by Australasian College of Legal Medicine in the University of Sydney Medical School’s PPD program. This is the first time that ACLM has provided teaching at the University and we should take this as a significant achievement for our college.
Don Buchanan and I gave a series of lectures to medical students in 2 blocks over 2 hours each, in Health Law I for 1st year students and Health Law II for 2nd year students. This teaching was carried out at the University of Sydney campus on the 9th March. Several topics of interest to trainee doctors were covered relating to Consent, Negligence, Regulation of the Professions, Privacy, Withdrawing and Withholding Life Support Measures and Assisted Reproductive Technologies.
We believe that college involvement in training at our universities bodes well for all members because it gives us greater exposure of our work and our education activities. This exposure could to lead to future involvement in Medical, Dental and Allied Health teaching at academic institutions and we may be invited to conferences where our college members can share their work and collaborate with others that are doing similar work nationally and internationally. Furthermore we are providing education in Legal Medicine for health professionals in our local region, which in itself is a great attainment for our college.
Sandra L J Johnson
President ACLM