ACLM is proud to have partnered with Osler, the recommended CPD home for ACLM members.
About Osler
Osler has been accredited by the Australian Medical Council and Medical Board of Australia to provide CPD Home services to Australian-registered doctors. They provide an affordable, high quality, and supportive CPD home. Learn more here.
Do you need a CPD home?
All Australian registered doctors who do not have an exemption must have a CPD Home in 2024. You will be asked to nominate your CPD Home during your re-registration process in September 2024.
Both specialists and non-specialists can also choose to use Osler, since the Osler requirements and dashboard will automatically update to the needs of your specialty.
Did you know?
ACLM's five short courses are Osler Approved Activities for CPD Home purposes.
We hope that many ACLM members will enjoy this new opportunity.