The Journal of Law & Medicine - Vol 28 No 3 is now available via the WestLaw platform.
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JLM Vol 28 No 3 Contents:
- EDITORIAL: COVID-19 as a Disruptor and a Catalyst for Change – Ian Freckelton AO QC
- LEGAL ISSUES: COVID-19 Denialism, Vaccine Scepticism and the Regulation of Health Practitioners – Ian Freckelton AO QC
- MEDICAL ISSUES: Killing of Elderly Patients by Health Care Professionals: Insights From Coroners’ Inquests and Inquiries in Three Cases – Jordyn Nelson, Joseph Ibrahim, Lyndal Bugeja and David Ranson
- BIOETHICAL ISSUES: Bell v Tavistock: Why the Assent Model Is Most Appropriate for Decisions Regarding Puberty Suppression for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth – Lauren Notini
- TECHNOLOGY HEALTH LAW ISSUES: Regulation of AI in Health Care: A Cautionary Tale Considering Horses and Zebras – Bernadette Richards, Susannah Sage Jacobson and Yves Saint James Aquino
- MENTAL HEALTH LAW ISSUES: Advance Planning in Mental Health Care: The Trouble with Terminology – Vrinda Edan, Bridget Hamilton and Lisa Brophy
- HEALTH LAW REPORTER: Posthumous Reproduction and the Law: Tissue Transplantation, Property Rights and the Reproductive Relational Autonomy – Cameron Stewart, Kelton Tremellen and Julian Savulescu
- COVID-19 Tests the Limits of Biodiversity Laws in a Health Crisis: Rethinking “Country of Origin” for Virus Access and Benefit-sharing – Fran Humphries, Michelle Rourke, Todd Berry, Elizabeth Englezos and Charles Lawson
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Fertility Treatment in Australia – Ronli Sifris and Karinne Ludlow
- Chasing Immunity: How Viable Is a Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Scheme for Australia? – Madeline Rohini Fisher
- Adolescent Gender Dysphoria and the Informed Consent Model of Care – Patrick Parkinson AM
- Australian Medical Device Regulation during COVID-19: Has the Australian Regulatory Framework for Medical Devices Been Effective during the COVID-19
Pandemic? – Jeffrey J Brownscombe
- Concussion, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, and the Legal Obligation of Sporting Organisations to be Informed of the Scientific Knowledge of the Day and to Warn of Material Risks – David Thorpe
- Use of Personal Health Information under Consent – Exempt Circumstances for Research: Views of the Australian General Public – David J Carter
- The Role of Medical Evidence in Determining the Outcome of Medical Negligence Cases When Peer Professional Opinion Is Used – Hugh Platt
- Role of Law in End-of-Life Decision-Making: Perspectives of Patients, Substitute Decision-Makers and Families – Lindy Willmott, Ben White, Rachel Feeney, Cheryl Tilse, Jill Wilson and Joanne Aitken
- New Challenges to the Legal Definition and Medical Determination of Brain Death: A Multi-jurisdictional Approach – Cases from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia – James Tibballs and Neera Bhatia
- Murder (Infanticide) in Post-partum Depression: The Case of Akon Guode – Joseph Briggs and Russ Scott
- Causes of the Obesity Epidemic and Economic Rationales to Support Taxation as a Population-based Policy Response – Lidia Xynas
- BOOK REVIEW: The Lost Lovelies Foundation, by Beth Wilson