The Journal of Law & Medicine - Vol 28 No 1 is now available via the WestLaw platform.

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JLM Vol 28 No 1 Contents:

EDITORIAL: The Rights to Life, Dignity and the Highest Attainable Standard of Health: Internationally Influential African Jurisprudence – Ian Freckelton QC

LEGAL ISSUES: Embracing the Future: Using Artificial Intelligence in Australian Health Practitioner Regulation – Gabrielle Wolf

MEDICAL ISSUES: Personality Disorder and Moral Culpability: Brown v The Queen – Danny Sullivan and Adam Deacon

- TECHNOLOGY HEALTH LAW ISSUES: Consumer Law, Technology and Health Care: A Shift in Focus, a Panacea or a Confounder? – Joel Grieger, Mark Giancaspro and Bernadette Richards

MENTAL HEALTH LAW ISSUES: Gender, Trauma and the Regulation of the Use of Restraint on Women in Australian Mental Health Services – Yvette Maker

- HEALTH LAW REPORTER: Brain Death and Pregnancy: On the Legalities of Post-mortem Gestation – Cameron Stewart, Ian Kerridge, Lisa O’Reilly, Linda Sheahan, George Tomossy and George Skowronski

- HEALTH RESEARCH LAW AND ETHICS: Clinical Research without Consent: Challenges for COVID-19 Research – Ian Freckleton QC


- COVID-19 and the Right to Support in New Zealand Hospitals – Sarah Gwynn

- COVID-19 Curfews: Kenyan and Australian Litigation and Pandemic Protection – Ian Freckelton QC

- Clinical Decision Support Systems and Medico-Legal Liability in Recall and Treatment: A Fresh Examination – Megan Prictor, Mark Taylor, Jane Kaye, Jon Emery, Craig Nelson and Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis

- Navigating the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme: A Scheme of Big Ideas and Big Challenges – Allan Ardill and Brett Jenkins

Fifteen Years On: What Patterns Continue to Emerge from New Zealand’s Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal? – Lois J Surgenor, Kate Diesfeld, Kate Kersey, Olivia Kelly and Marta Rychert

- Maintaining Privacy in Artificial Intelligence-driven Bioinformatics: An Inquiry into the Suitability of Australia’s Laws – Jade Luci Andrews

- Transgender and Intersex Athletes in Single-sex Sports – Laura Johnston

- The Right of the Child to Oral Health: The Role of Human Rights in Oral Health Policy Development in Australia – Gillian Jean, Estie Kruger, Vanessa Lok and Marc Tennant

- (Re)Drawing the Line: Australian Regulation of Human–Animal Interspecies Embryos – Andrew Ng and Karinne Ludlow

- In Whose Interest? Recent Developments in Regulatory Immediate Action against Medical Practitioners in Australia – Owen M Bradfield, Matthew J Spittal and Marie M Bismark 

- A Little Less Discrimination, a Little More International Legal Compliance: A Capacity-based Approach to Substitute Decision-Making for People with Mental Illness – Seb Recordon

- Adolescent Drivers – Are We Doing Enough? – Roy G Beran

- Don Chalmers: His Contributions to Legal Research and Education, Health Law, and Research Ethics, Locally and Globally – Dianne Nicol, Yann Joly, Jane Kaye, Bartha Knoppers, Eric M Meslin, Jane Nielsen, Margaret Otlowski and Kate Warner

- Letter to the Editor 

- Letter to the Editor (and Response)

BOOK REVIEW: Memoir of an Accidental Ethicist, by KJ Breen