Legal Reflections
Upcoming Webinars
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- Professor Ian Freckelton QC's webinar - free to view here
- Marnie Manning and Bill Madden's webinars are available for ACLM members only to view - Contact us to gain access
About the speaker:
Professor Ian Freckelton is a Queen’s Counsel in full time practice as a barrister throughout Australia; a judge of the Supreme Court in Nauru; a tribunal member; a board and committee member; an investigator of allegations of misconduct; a professor of law, psychiatry and forensic medicine; a fellow of learned academies; a journal editor; a speaker at international gatherings; an author, editor and book reviewer; and a scholarly traveller. He is a Professorial Fellow in Law and Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne, an Adjunct Professor of Forensic Medicine at Monash University and an Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. He is the Editor of the Journal of Law and Medicine and the Founding Editor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. has been a Commissioner at the Victorian Law Reform Commission, a President of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, and held a variety of prominent international positions. He is a member of the Mental Health Tribunal of Victoria, the Coronial Council of Victoria and the Victorian Bar Council. He is the author of over 700 articles and more than 40 books, including the 6th edition of Expert Evidence: Law, Practice and Procedure (Thomson, 2019) and the 7 volume subscription service on Expert Evidence which is approaching its 30 year mark since initial publication.

Professor John Devereux
FItness to drive: Some legal aspects
Webinar # 2 - Monday 12 April 2021 - 6.00pm AEST
About the speaker:
John Devereux teaches and researches the law of torts at the UQ Law School. He has a special interest in medical law, most notably in the areas of competency to consent to medical treatment and in epilepsy and the law. A Rhodes Scholar, John has worked as a lawyer in a variety of contexts including as a Barrister, as a consultant to a multi-national law firm, a Law Reform Commissioner for Queensland, a legal member of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal and as a Defence Force Magistrate. John was formerly Lecturer in Law at Keble College, Oxford University and Assistant Dean of Magdalen College, Oxford University. He is a former Associate Vice Chancellor of A.C.U. John is an Honorary Fellow of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine and joint Head of Teaching Faculty.
About the speaker:
Marnie is a lawyer, researcher and academic. She has extensive experience establishing and leading multi-jurisdictional legal functions of businesses in various sectors including health, forestry, construction, engineering and manufacturing. Marnie’s primary academic and research work examines how Australian judges and doctors deal with conflicts involving the medical treatment of seriously ill young people (adolescents) and children. She is a PhD Candidate in Law at Monash University and completed part of her research as a Recognised Student at the University of Oxford. She holds Fellowships with the Governance Institute of Australia and the International Intellectual Property Strategists Association. She has a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in molecular biology, and a mini MBA from Boston University.
About the speaker:
Bill Madden is a lawyer in private practice with Carroll & O'Dea Lawyers, specialising in civil liability litigation (medical litigation and intentional torts). Bill's medical law practice includes matters arising from birth trauma, brain injury, delayed cancer diagnosis and wrongful birth. His intentional tort practice includes institutional child sexual abuse matters. Bill is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Law, and an accredited Mediator through the Law Society of New South Wales. He has adjunct appointments in both the law and medical schools at Western Sydney University, in the Australian Centre for Health Law Research at Queensland University of Technology and in the Melbourne Law Masters program at the University of Melbourne.